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Sometimes it is not necessary to make a comment, but we can’t help saying something. The funnies relating to or inspired by Captain Mark Richards, alien raptors, or the usual cast of characters. Items on this page are updated or deleted from time to time. Please feel free to email any suggestions.
Does the Raptor® get a cut of the Raptor Princess Knowledge Fight enterprise?
The real story is that Tin Tin first met Nagadraconis long before the prince landed at Hamilton and encountered the Dutchman.
The acclaimed surfer Mark Richards (no relation) designed surfboards with Alien, UFO, and 1980s retro themes. Even Naga likes to catch a wave on an MR board. Coincidence?
This is a repeat from another page but by coincidence (we’re sure) it fits here equally well.
The Thing Museum in Arizona asks if Winston Churchill was upset that his chauffeur was an alien. Those who know the story of Mark Richards and Winnie can guess the answer. But its depiction of an alien riding a dinosaur seems wrong. . . . It is commonly known that the aliens were dinosaurs.
Did Mark, Ellis Richards, and the Raptors have an unexpected ally with Ronald Reagan joining in the battle at Dulce or against the Dracos and Greys?
They will kill for chocolate!” – Mark Richards
Indeed. This might explain certain things related to Kerry Cassidy.
It’s hard to tell whether Mark was born too soon to design the electric car that he wanted to build or too late to develop fully the storyline of being a space captain. But Mark was not the first captain to meet the cat people while battling in space.
Disclose with Kerry. Get your friends to expand their minds.
If Reagan could battle Dracos, then Trump can join the Not-So-Secret Space Program. This graphic was featured along with a 2020 interview with Jo Ann Richards.
1982 was the last year of Richard Baldwin’s life and the arrest of Mark Richards. Things might have turned out better for them.
Kids, get your atomic warship with flying saucers today! This model of a command ship seems to include Avro® Flying Saucers and was undoubtedly a prototype for Ellis Richards’s command ship. Who was the Hecht Co. and how did they know?
Corey Goode has long warned about the Dracos. Mark states we are battling them in the Orion sector. They need to get a press agent to improve their reputation.
UFOrealitycheck reminds us to think of the troops battling Dracos in the Orion sector. Buy your Not-So-Secret Secret Space Program bonds now and be sure to start your victory garden.
Mark rivaled Captain Kirk with his interstellar relationships — including Atimpaasa — on every planet.